
Friday, March 11, 2011

Summing My Life Up

Summing up my life at the moment could be interesting. Without getting too deep here, some of the phrases that would describe my life right now could be:
  • Finishing up
  • Packing up
  • Moving on
  • Boxed up (except for my bare essentials to last the next 45 days)
And yet, at the same time, as we prepare for a volunteer team and 3 women's meetings, you could describe it as:
  • preparing for guests
  • finalizing a schedule
  • planning a menu
  • covering details for a conference
  • getting notes together for a teaching
  • Planning for a trip to western Ukraine
Perhaps those two lists seem in contradiction to each other when you read them. They certainly do to me! But, it is my life at the moment. I've thought several times this week about how I would change it. Would I have changed the schedule if I could have? Am I concerned about the rush of the last month we'll be in Ukraine? Are we overdoing it? After much thought and prayer, I'm sure I wouldn't change one thing!

It's so easy to get focused on the "next thing" if we don't have something to keep us focused on the "moment before us". When I made my leaving the church and the school public, I was faced with the same thing. I would have to literally ask the Lord everyday to keep me focused on Him alone so I could stay focused on what He wanted from me and for me that day! The move and the necessities of our future demand some time and attention. I think the Lord honors that and He includes it in His plans for us. Understanding that everything He puts in our schedule is part of a bigger plan ... Doing what He puts before us, whether it relates to today or to the future, brings glory to God.

So what does today hold for me. Well here it is:
  • Life among the "boxes"
  • Giving away more of what I possess
  • House cleaning in an apartment that no longer has the little touches that made it seem like home (those things are in the boxes or given away)
  • A root canal (grateful that I can have it done)
  • A look at information relating to the next phase of our journey
I hope at the end of it all if you ask someone what summed up Marsha's life, you'll say HIM! I hope that others see Christ in all I am and all I do. My prayer is that people won't focus on specific times in my life, specific places or specific events because I don't want those things to be talked about more than the one I've done them for. And my deepest prayer is that I've been genuine and relevant enough to impact people who don't know Him or only see Him in Biblical language and terms.

So, how would I sum my life up today or any day? In Him, that's how! Even though it's currently "On the Move"!

1 comment:

  1. I have been praying and counting right with you. Yes, I would describe your life as "IN HIM", for sure!!!!!!! Praying for you today!!!!!!!!!
